HitchBox - an outdoor entertainment solution for 80% of Americans ⟶ 🔒
A complete hitch-mounted entertainment system with a projector system, speakers, and connectivity options. Hitchbox lets you carry your entertainment even in the wilderness
[Industrial design, hardware UX, mobile UI, discovery, bluesky]

Multi-device design system ⟶
This personal project explores organizing a cohesive design system that spans screens and embedded devices. It addresses the needs of products with significant hardware components, ensuring seamless integration between HMI and mobile apps for a synchronized user experience
[UX/UI, graphic design, design system]

Seating configurator for a 3-row pick-up ⟶ 🔒
This project was part of a larger EV pickup truck program where I worked as a UX designer and prototyper. The focus was on developing a configurable 3-row seating layout for higher trim levels, allowing for maximum flexibility and adaptability in the vehicle's interior design
[Multimodal UX, UI, prototyping]

five5quare ⟶
five5quare is a web-based experimental musical interface It consists of a screen-based interface and a tactile glove to modulate different aspects of the sound. With five5quare, if you can bend your fingers you can make music!
[javascript, hardware interaction, web animation, creative coding]

FLXO - Democratizing soft robotics with a 3D printer ⟶
FLXO is a hobby/educational kit that makes soft robotics more democratic and accessible. It comprises soft pneumatic actuators which interlock like LEGO blocks to create different mechanisms.
[3D Printing, physical interaction, Arduino, product design, prototyping]

In cookie we trust! ⟶
In Cookie We Trust is a fun and quirky interactive installation that uses AI to tell your fortune.
[installation, interactive media, window display, AI, fabrication]

3D space mouse ⟶
A D.I.Y 3D mouse to improve efficiency and increase productivity for your creative workflows
[3D printing, Arduino, hardware interaction, industrial design]

Walkie-talkie design for the Special Protection Group ⟶
Designing walkie-talkies for the Indian Special Protection Group, S.P.G
[Industrial design, enclosure design, hardware packaging]