five5quare is an experimental musical interface in p5.js. It consists of a screen-based interface and a tactile glove to modulate different aspects of the sound. With five5quare, if you can bend your fingers you can make music!
[javascript, hardware interaction, web animation, creative coding]
FLXO is a kit for hobby/educational kit aimed at making soft-robotics more democratic and accessible. It consists of soft pneumatic actuators that can be interlocked like LEGO blocks to create different mechanisms.
[3D Printing, physical interaction, Arduino, product design, prototyping]
In Cookie We Trust is a fun and quirky interactive installation that uses AI to tell your fortune.
[installation, interactive media, window display, AI, fabrication]
A D.I.Y 3D mouse to improve efficiency and increase productivity for your creative workflows

[3D printing, Arduino, hardware interaction, industrial design]

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